Riverlink Shopping Centre, Ipswich
9am to 12pm
Support Leukaemia Foundations Worlds Greatest Shave.
Trooper Attendance:
ID-3989 Buzzard, Imperial Officer
TK-4881 Hopfot, Stormtrooper
Guest Trooper Attendance:
TR-5973 Cybermew3, Royal Guard
Support Crew:
Arriving at centre management I found Cybermew3 waiting and ready to get into action. Hoppy and Candice arrived shortly after and we went and geared up. We headed down to the main staging area for the public shaving and introduced ourselves. The morning had a fairly quiet start with not a lot of people around so we took a money tin and headed back into the mall to see what we could rustle up.
By the time we were three quarters down the mall we were hardly able to take two steps without someone wanting a photo. We had no choice but to do what Redbacks do best, so we were awesome! Much mulah was placed into our tin and many happy citizens had their photos snapped. A few children were freaked out by the stormtrooper so Hoppy removed his bucket in an attempt to calm them. This was actually more disturbing so we didn't let him do that again.
After slowly moving back up the mall, we finally managed to take a break. We downed some water, checked ourselves for malfunctions and headed back up to the stage. Hoppy and I signed up for a shave, handed over our imperial credits and took to the stage where we were immediately shorn. This brought much pleasure to the local citizenry and we took appropriate bows. This brought us to the end of the event and we headed back to the change room feeling much breezier around the ears.
Charity Funds Raised:
Unknown at this time.
Injuries / Malfunctions:
Hoppys holster lost a chicago screw and came off.
Public Incidents:
Mission Status:
Citizens: Happy.
Disintegrations: None required.
Overall Mission Status: Successful.
![[Image: S1180002.jpg]](
Ummm... Isn't that Q from Star Trek: TNG?
![[Image: S1180026.jpg]](
Imma gonna git me sum rebels!
![[Image: S1180038.jpg]](
No emperor to guard means more time to relax!
![[Image: S1180015.jpg]](
This communications console is faulty!
![[Image: S1180042.jpg]](
ATM camouflage. Whod'a thunk it!
![[Image: S1180048.jpg]](
You want us to hit THAT target? We may need to get a bit closer... or use the Death Star!
Riverlink Shopping Centre, Ipswich
9am to 12pm
Support Leukaemia Foundations Worlds Greatest Shave.
Trooper Attendance:
ID-3989 Buzzard, Imperial Officer
TK-4881 Hopfot, Stormtrooper
Guest Trooper Attendance:
TR-5973 Cybermew3, Royal Guard
Support Crew:
Arriving at centre management I found Cybermew3 waiting and ready to get into action. Hoppy and Candice arrived shortly after and we went and geared up. We headed down to the main staging area for the public shaving and introduced ourselves. The morning had a fairly quiet start with not a lot of people around so we took a money tin and headed back into the mall to see what we could rustle up.
By the time we were three quarters down the mall we were hardly able to take two steps without someone wanting a photo. We had no choice but to do what Redbacks do best, so we were awesome! Much mulah was placed into our tin and many happy citizens had their photos snapped. A few children were freaked out by the stormtrooper so Hoppy removed his bucket in an attempt to calm them. This was actually more disturbing so we didn't let him do that again.

After slowly moving back up the mall, we finally managed to take a break. We downed some water, checked ourselves for malfunctions and headed back up to the stage. Hoppy and I signed up for a shave, handed over our imperial credits and took to the stage where we were immediately shorn. This brought much pleasure to the local citizenry and we took appropriate bows. This brought us to the end of the event and we headed back to the change room feeling much breezier around the ears.
Charity Funds Raised:
Unknown at this time.
Injuries / Malfunctions:
Hoppys holster lost a chicago screw and came off.
Public Incidents:
Mission Status:
Citizens: Happy.
Disintegrations: None required.
Overall Mission Status: Successful.
![[Image: S1180002.jpg]](
Ummm... Isn't that Q from Star Trek: TNG?
![[Image: S1180026.jpg]](
Imma gonna git me sum rebels!
![[Image: S1180038.jpg]](
No emperor to guard means more time to relax!
![[Image: S1180015.jpg]](
This communications console is faulty!
![[Image: S1180042.jpg]](
ATM camouflage. Whod'a thunk it!
![[Image: S1180048.jpg]](
You want us to hit THAT target? We may need to get a bit closer... or use the Death Star!
![[Image: ytpTSHu.png]](
Science! Because figuring things out is better than making stuff up.