2014 Wynnum Worlds Greatest Shave
Troop Report 
Date: Saturday 15th March, 2014

Venue: Wynnum Plaza

Time:11am - 1pm

Mission: Provide support for the Leukaemia Foundations Worlds Greatest Shave.

Trooper Attendance:
TD-4943 Rubber
TI-7967 Chopper
TK-8547 Bullant
SL-8995 Muppet

MM/GA etc: Bullant jnr- RFT
Support Crew / Guest Trooper Attendance: Tanna and Donut

Details: Arriving mid morning, keys for our change rooms were secured. Apon entering we were greated by an array of beverages provided by the plaza management. TK-8547 communicated in his ETA, so the rest of us decided to armour up and get our troop on. With the provided donation tins,[Image: th_10210_10151915864892000_931690332_n.jpg] we set about raising support for the shave.
We started for the stage were the shaving would be, but we didnt make it far before being requested for pics.[Image: th_1898159_10151915865062000_1609859521_n.jpg][Image: th_10013900_10151915865442000_297010206_n.jpg] Of course we obliged. We were pleasantly surprised by the generosity of the locals, with many republic notes being folded and squeezed into the tins.
It wasn't long before we were joined by TK-8547 and a captured RFT, and we continued on our way to the stage. [Image: th_1013718_10151915865482000_589370785_n.jpg]

Some how the word had got out, that Lord Vader and 1 loyal Stormtrooper, would be participating in the shave, as the crowds swelled.
So 1 handsome Lord made his way up on stage and was prepped for the encounter with a #2 bladed shaver [Image: th_1896911_10151915866012000_1602238873_n.jpg] Agro- aka Jamie Dunn gave commentry much to the humour of the watching crowd [Image: th_10014709_10151915866092000_908318592_n.jpg].
The shaver did its job [Image: th_44822_10151915866447000_1320576358_n.jpg] and didnt stop at the top of the head, but continued all around the face taking of the beard too!![Image: th_1978614_10151915866942000_219132529_n.jpg]

Vader was done, and it was time for the Stormtrooper to take to the stage. TK-8547 informed the crowd, that the beard hasnt come off in over 20years!! [Image: th_1235891_10151915867322000_530556261_n.jpg] Apparently Stormtroopers cant sit down, so this presented a new challenge for the professional shaver.
A chair was employed to meet this challenge [Image: th_1622257_10151915867467000_1173438772_n.jpg]
No beard too strong for 1 electric shaver [Image: th_1240618_10151915868027000_1029686972_n.jpg]
Final result [Image: th_1002660_10151915868332000_1250340544_n.jpg]

2 new shineys !! [Image: th_1379849_10151915868542000_128992052_n.jpg]

Charity Funds Raised: Tins were handed back in

Injuries / Malfunctions: none

Public Incidents: none

Mission Status: A faultless troop, and we're already been invited back for future events at the Plaza. Big shout out to all the troopers for making this event and to Matt and Tanya for wrangling and taking photos.

Photos: http://s45.photobucket.com/user/501qld/l...t=2&page=1
Nice work, guys!
[Image: ytpTSHu.png]

Science! Because figuring things out is better than making stuff up.

Awesome stuff guys....well done!!
"You can run, but you'll only die tired."

wow who would have thought vader really was that ugly and sporting a scruffy bushman look!
[Image: CtjvZdX.gif]
Distance traveled to troop: 99136kms
Once member of TAG before Redback was a squad, Redback Inter-Garrison Officer (2010-2012) & Merchandise officer (2015-2017) and Tatooine Base Command 2012-2016
(Monday 17-Mar-2014, 03:14 PM)Beanie Wrote:  wow who would have thought vader really was that ugly and sporting a scruffy bushman look!
Beanie, Beanie, Beanie, Mr Bean, well said.

It was a great troop with a very friendly and generous bunch of shoppers.
Thanks Tanna and Donut for wrangling.

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