Hera's Blaster from Star Wars Rebels
Decided to venture into the Star Wars Rebels arena and try my hand at Hera's blaster. Its a Blurrg-1120 Hold out blaster - http://starwarsrebels.wikia.com/wiki/Blu...ut_blaster.

This is not the most accurate version going around but Addie my daughter wanted one and I decided to use the scrap bits in the workshop. Started by grabbing one of the pics from an Etsy post.

[Image: 10867084_10152904513079706_1811164699_n_zps86f0ac05.jpg]

Used scrap timber and PVC I had in the workshop.

[Image: 10342762_558081720994367_749138280127860...33a086.jpg]
[Image: 1504634_558081757661030_2751740028061018...0f3b2b.jpg]

Added the primer

[Image: 10847942_558081797661026_848977207950842...77a97e.jpg]

Started on the silver base coat and then the black, grey and orange in acrylic.

[Image: 10857994_558475924288280_299136196749052...45e6e1.jpg]
[Image: 10858582_558485810953958_179718291858422...a430e1.jpg]
[Image: 10885584_558485870953952_895701958436753...283239.jpg]
[Image: 1555380_558485844287288_5018519818627337...2397a7.jpg]

Then started with the details and weathering

[Image: 10882281_558597394276133_675927558988835...94158a.jpg]
[Image: 10858472_558597367609469_575039961641020...ff5537.jpg]
[Image: 10449969_558597344276138_613331168476070...d7e08b.jpg]
[Image: 10382984_558597354276137_164801459903693...fa2f30.jpg]
[Image: 1459728_558597410942798_2811891211821045...252e59.jpg]

Forgot the cut the 2 recess lines on the left and right side of the main body so in this instance just went with adding black lines. Added to the round disc on the grip and also finished with a clear matt coat.

[Image: 10445513_558655080937031_876782515545783...a70706.jpg]
[Image: 10881573_558655114270361_171455283507333...49ec41.jpg]

That looks great very cool nice work
TK 19749
Nice one terror
[Image: 5034518159_37cdf3e6d4_z.jpg]
Looks great
FNG SN17 OCC2015DW2015BN15DW2016 DW2017
good work bro but why are you not 3d printing it ?
DW2012 TO DW2015
BN11 TO BN14

Jason, that is being worked on atm. Still drawing it up.

Nicely done Terror!!! Wink

Darth "I find your lack of pants disturbing."

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