Toowoomba Christmas Wonderland 2016
Date: 10th, 11th, 17th and 18th December

Venue: Queen's park botanical gardens. 

Time: 18:30 - 21:00

Mission: To invade the Christmas Wonderland and put smiles on faces! (And spread Christmas cheer!)

Money raised: Indirectly, by attracting more people to the event. Exact amount unknown.  

Trooper Attendance:

TK:2863 Agent Smith
DZ:10383 Beccyd
CC/TK/CT:33827 Bolt
TI:10708 Imperial Drone
BH:6362 KattaK
TI:20552 Mykill
TK:90579 Scotty
TB:12311 Teiwaz


Cadet: Shazzam
Recruit: Blue
TI:20552 Mykill
TR:6263 Redpaint

-----Night 1:

Weather: Cloudy/hot and a short shower of rain

Trooper attendance: CC:33827 Bolt, TK:90579 Scotty, TK:2863 Agent Smith, TI:20552 Mykill and recruits Blue and Shazzam

Information: The first night went smoothly and we were well received by the event organizers and the public alike. We captured, handcuffed and transferred the fugitives known as Elsa and Anna of Arendelle from the shuttles to the wonderland where they escaped but were recaptured within 3hrs. No casualties to report. Crowds were fairly large with plenty of photos!

-----Night 2:

Weather: Cloudy, comfortable temperatures and no rain (didn't even need my fans!)

Trooper attendance: TK:33827 Bolt, TK:90579 Scotty, DZ:10389 Beccyd, TI:20552 Mykill and recruits Blue and Shazzam

Information: The second night was much more enjoyable thanks to the lower temperature! We again captured the pair of fugitives and proceeded to patrol the grounds. The crowds were the largest of the 4 nights we were there, we could barely move as Mykill stepped in to form a line and control the crowds as much as possible! Brilliant job mate! I believe the jawa made the most kids cry for the night....

We were also presented with a certificate of appreciation from the event organisers recognising our "Outstanding" support of the event.

-----Night 3: 

Weather: Heavy downpour followed by very humid conditions!

Trooper attendance: CC:33827 Bolt, TK:90579 Scotty, TB:12311 Teiwaz, TI:10708 Imperial Drone, TI:20552 Mykill, BH:6362 KattaK, DZ;10389 Beccyd, TR:6263 Redpaint (Wrangling) and Recruit Blue. ( + GA kids and some rebel scum pilot who was trying to spoil Rogue One for me....) 

Information: Unfortunately we got some Kashyyyk weather on the third night, with heavy rain happening just as we were finishing setting up the Imperial Wanted poster, forcing us to shelter in our shuttles and wait it out. These conditions were far too hostile for Lord Vader who stayed aboard the Executor. We started trooping at about 7:10 (didn't check exactly) and thanks to the damp conditions it got very humid very fast! For the first time I actually had an easier time trooping than our favourite Scout Trooper Teiwaz! Those fans I have in my bucket were worth every cent!!
Crowds were the smallest of the 4 nights thanks to all the rain, unfortunate as this was the night we had the most troopers in attendance and was the most well advertised. I must consult the Imperial science center to find out the possibility of a weather control device... 
We went and had a well deserved (healthy) meet up at Maccas after. 

-----Night 4: 

Weather: Cool conditions with a very cold breeze!

Trooper attendance: CT:33827 Bolt, TK:90579 Scotty, TI:20552 Mykill, DZ:10389 Beccyd and Recruit Blue. 

Information: Tonight we again got very different conditions! We arrived and found the temperature to be a cool 19 degrees. Suiting up regardless we were surprised by the large crowds, not the biggest of the 4 nights but still plenty of photos. I have to admit that I made the first kid cry of the night, only about 2mins into the troop! We called this one a little earlier (8:30) as the ice wind was starting to cause serious discomfort for the armoured troopers. Tonight was another fine example of Mykill's wrangling and persuasion skills as he controlled the crowd. 

Summary: (Don't worry the pictures are coming up soon!)

I really just wanted to extend a massive thankyou to everyone who attended the Wonderland this year, getting troopers there every night for 4 nights is a huge ask and we delivered. Margarett (the event organiser) was thrilled to see us there and already is asking when we'll be back next year! A lot of people hadn't even heard of the 501st and now we are becoming well known to the Toowoomba community (this is how we got to be a part of the Kiyua performing arts concert). 

It was fantastic to have so many troopers make it this year and I really can't thank you all enough!! You might have noticed a few constants in the Trooper attendance sections, however, mainly: Scotty, Mykill and Blue. These guys were there every single night with me, rain, hail or shine. Mykill and Blue drove up the hill and back again four times to do this troop, you really do deserve Rookie of the year mate!

I'd be proud to troop beside you three anytime, anywhere. 

I thought it necessary to have a weather section as well as we pretty much got all the seasons in just four days! It was crazy! I will never complain about trooping inside ever again!! 

Anyway enough of me ranting, here are the pictures! It was dark and hard to get the camera to focus (so I am told...) so they are a little dodgy in places!


Saturday 10.12.16

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Sunday 11.12.16

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[Image: 15541109_10154029386020811_6172858143468...hwm7rt.jpg]

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Saturday 17.12.16

[Image: 15440576_1765478400442692_19104170384558...uhmzsr.jpg]

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Sunday: 18.12.16

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[Image: 15577474_453223548398455_1609581028_n_zpszg60sygp.jpg]

And we tried to arrest the new hope!!!!!

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[Image: 53635972792_7031aa3c80_z.jpg]
Well worth the trip up the hill for this troop and the post troop round-up was great too. Scotty, you now have to get me to approve any photos you take of me Smile
FNG  OCC2017  CVIII DW2017  BN16 OCC2016
Awesome report Bolt!
I hate to overuse the word 'epic' but it pretty accurately describes these 4 nights. Such a lot of fun, and judging from the Wonderland Facebook page we are easily their biggest attraction. Their normal posts receive maybe 20 likes at most, stick the Legion in there and it bumps it to 60 or 70 likes with no trouble.
While we may not directly collect donations, we do have a massive impact in terms of the number of attendees each night.
Great POC job by Bolt as usual. MASSIVE thank you to MyKill and Blue for coming up every night. (and MyKill for being the best wrangler I have ever seen when we needed someone to organise the crowds).
Thanks to all the troopers who traveled up for this, whether to wrangle or troop, we couldn't have done this without you!
Such an awesome 4 nights, even with the dramas from the weather, it never stopped us from trooping like true Redbacks!
This is probably the most important troop the Toowoomba team does in terms of PR impact. I met a good friend of mine up there who belongs to that Lions Club, and he couldn't speak highly enough of the trooper's efforts and the fantastic response from the public. They're well aware of the 501st and the good work we do. Its a busy time of year but Bolt and the team put on a first class show for 4 nights, I was glad to be there for one of them. Well done everyone.  Doppeldaumen1
GCSN16 >> GCSN19
DW2015 >> DW2018
OCC2015 >> OCC18  
BN15 >> SN18
This was a great troop to attend, even though I only wrangled. It was a shame about the weather, but it was still a great time and a testament to Bolt for all his work organising it, and all the other troopers and wranglers that helped make it great..
[Image: forumsig3.jpg]
Great troop report and an awesome effort by all, well done Tbar team and co.

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"The Death Star plans are not in the main computer"

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[Image: Eu2xjUD.png]

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