Imperial Shuttle “Enterprise” (Don’t ask!), left Edwards base camp, stopping by Base Predator to rescue afore mentioned trooper from baby trooper and whisking him away from nappies and bottles, to Backpacks and Blasters!
The assembly area was secured, with suitable change facilities for both male and female troopers, but no great shade areas were available for our troopers. No matter, as breaks were enforced where necessary, and water was to hand to ensure all Imperials were hydrated and in Rebel blasting mode.
Many photos were take, Imperial Credits donated to the cause and Maverick did a great job wrangling all day in the sun (She is now a loyal bright red in colour, covered in Aloe Vera and eagerly awaiting the 4am wake up to take Goose to the B2B tomorrow!)
TD 1535 did guard duty for a while, whilst Cobra played “Monkey See, Monkey Do” with Imperial Children.
Our two junior TK’s did a great job, but TKjr Joseph seemed to spend most of his time practicing the “Chicks dig armour” motto and spreading Imperial Propoganda!

TKjr Jospeh discovered Armour bites!
Maverick is sun burnt!

TD1535 snapped his groin….his armour that is and was unable to attend in armour

Public Incidents:
The only real downer of the day was that some rotten little Rebel grot stole Moxxxie’s thermal detonator. The authorities at the school have been advised and will put details into the next school flyer news letter

Mission Status:
Success! Monies raised, photos taken, Imperial Citizens happy