Name: Samantha Techer (aka Cre8tiv)
Legion ID: TK41138
What made you want to join the 501st? I visited Dreamworld during the Stormtrooper Weekend event and got chatting to a few members. Thought the idea of dressing in Star Wars character and helping to raise funds for charities was a wonderful thing and wanted to be a part of that. Went home, signed up on the forum and have been enjoying the fun and friendship ever since.
What costumes do you have?
- ANH Stormtrooper (Stunt)
- AT-AT Driver
- Imperial Scanning Crew
What is your most memorable troop? I have had many memorial troops. It is hard to pick just one, so a few I consider to be most memorable would be:
My first hospital troop – I was in my Stormtrooper costume and as we entered a young boy’s hospital room, his face lit up and he held up a Lego Stormtrooper minifigure and said “Look, I have a Stormtrooper”
My first troop at BrisNova 2013, I was walking around in costume with 3 other female members. We stopped for photos and a crowd formed. One of the members (Moxxxie) called “Buckets off” and all of us took our helmets off and suddenly members of the crowd called out “Wow! They’re chicks!”
Dreamworld 2016 – As part of the ending to the Sunday parade, my husband and I renewed our Vows in costume. (Thanks APOK) This was part of celebrating our 5th Wedding Anniversary which coincided with that weekend.
What is your favourite Star Wars character? The Stormtroopers – they are an iconic character that most people know.