Name: Scott Higgins (aka Hopfot)
Legion ID: TX4881
What made you want to join the 501st? I started out looking for a decent Stormtrooper costume just to have on display in my dwelling. Then somehow, in my search on the internet, I came across the Rebel Legion. Since I already had a Jedi costume this didn’t interest me. However I found a link on the RL website which redirected me to the 501st, a costuming club of Star Wars Fans who dress (primarily) as Stormtroopers. This was perfect, not only would I be able to find the armour, but I’ll also get to know a whole bunch of people who share the same interest and love of Star Wars as myself. So I got my first set of Stormtrooper Armour and in February of 2010 I became a member of the 501st Redback Garrison. Since then I have also joined The Rebel Legion and Mandalorian Mercs and own a variety of costumes across the 3 clubs.
What costumes do you have? For just the 501st I have:
- Tusken Raider: AOTC (male)
- Stormtrooper: ANH Stunt
- General Weir
What is your most memorable troop? I have so many memorable troops. Especially my first 2 troops in 2010, Dreamworld Promo day and the very first Dreamworld troop. However, I would probably have to say the most memorable troop I have ever attended was the first wedding troop I did up in the mountains. Through the fogged up lens of my Shadow Scout helmet, it looked like a scene from Naboo. The bride was dressed as Padme Amidala, the groom was Anakin, groomsmen were Royal Guards, Bridesmaids were Handmaidens, the celebrant was an Imperial Officer, the flower girl was Princess Leia and everyone else was in assorted Star Wars (and some space balls) costumes.
What is your favourite Star Wars character? I always find it difficult to choose a favourite when asked this question as each Movie, Series, Novel, and so on has it’s own characters. But to list my favouites so far and in no order, would be: Darth Vader, Obi-Wan Kenobi (Prequel Trilogy) and Boba Fett, and all the main characters in Episode VII.